Balance: The Key to Life?

man-looking-at-mountainBalance. It’s the one thing in life that we all seem to struggle to maintain. Being able to work and advance our careers without having to sacrifice our families. Or it can be the opposite where we want to build relationships with our family and friends that our boss thinks that we are a flake at work. Add in our spiritual walk and it can be even harder to find balance.

I know this by personal experience. There can be times where I know I’m out of balance but I want to get this project done for work, or I need to finish something for the ministry. On top of that I want to be a good husband and father. Finding balance is one thing, but maintaining it is something completely different.

What would it look like to have perfect balance in all areas of your life? It probably would look like the perfect life. One where we have the awesome job that is fulfilling, a great family life, and friends that build us up. There are so many possibilities for each of us in life. With that comes a lot of areas and possibilities that we can be out of balance.

Many successful, really successful people, got to the “top of the mountain” and did so at the sacrifice of their families. How do we fight this imbalance? How do we make sure that there isn’t a trail of broken relationships behind us as we try to strive for greatness? This begs the question on whether or not we really can have it all.

Yes, I truly believe that we can have it all. There are some things that we have to do in order to make sure that we can be successful in all areas of our lives.

1. Self Assessments – We have to be able to look at ourselves and see all our greatness and all our faults. Sometimes we can let our pride cloud how we see ourselves.

2. Accountability – We need to have someone in our life that we listen to even when we are emotional, or struggling to make a decision. My wife is this person for me. She can tell me when that I’m being unreasonable, or that I’m letting something bother me when it shouldn’t. I listen to her, even when I may not want to.

What are you doing to get or maintain balance in your life?

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Author: Leonard

I am father to LJ (Leonard Joshua), and Sophia. Loving husband to Kalene. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I aim to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him and that honors my family. I believe that every Christian should be bold to live their life and have the love to impact those around them.

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