Family Time is Important

Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected. Boyd K. Packe Click To Tweet

Have you ever like time was slipping by you. You can remember like it was yesterday , that feeling of being a newlywed. Now, you look around and the kids are growing and you’re in the middle of life. Everything around you seems to have sped up.


Karina, 55, teacher, England: My daughter felt forgotten

As a teacher, it was impossible to complete work duties in a regular eight hour work day. As a single parent either my teenage daughter spent lots of time alone at home or she had to spend afternoons at my school watching me work. I was tired and completely overwhelmed. My stress levels were sky high and my daughter became resentful of my career, and she and I were on antidepressants. My daughter felt forgotten and acted out by ditching school. The irony of teaching, was that I spent more time with other people’s children than I did with my own child. – The Guardian


Have you found yourself in a similar situation or know someone who is. It is this case and so many others that have forced us to re-evaluate our balance in life. So much of our society, pursue work and career goals that our families suffer. Now we know the effect that it has had on our families. 

Family Time

There must be a balance between work and family. Obtaining that balance is now why family time is important. How do make sure that we keep our family time separate from everything else? Here are three steps to move us toward valuing our family time. 


  • Schedule It


This is helpful really at the beginning  of this process. When you’ve been working so hard and have so many things on your plate, the best way to make sure that you are having family time is to put it into your schedule. Until you get to a place where you can willingly and completely separate from your work then your schedule is your best friend. 


  • Set Boundaries


Have you ever found yourself spending time with your family and yourself drifting to your cell phone. Then you’re scrolling for longer than you expected and end up missing out on family time that you set out to enjoy. 


To stop from having this scenario play out repeatedly, set up some boundaries. The first one being that there should be no cell phones during family time. After that, you can set the other boundaries as needed. Let your family know what the rules are, that’s an easy way to have accountability. 


  • Communicate Value


Your family time is important. Things of importance must have a value to you. The second part of that is that value must be communicated. Making the adjustment and re-balancing your life to include more family time, can be an ongoing battle. You won’t get it right each and every time, but what you can do is to let your family know how important and how much you value the time together. 


Even in the missteps, if you can talk from your heart, it will communicate the value you intend. 

Discussion Question:

How do you maintain balance in your life?

Teaching Your Children to Dream

Can you remember any of the dreams that you used to have when you were a child? If I really try to rack my brain and think about it, it is very hard for me to remember anything that I used to dream about. Probably like most boys they were dreams related to sports. They didn’t go far though because I was never the best athlete or anything. 

“Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”—Harriet Tubman Click To Tweet

Dream in the Future

I don’t know many children that dream of being doctors or lawyers, but I’m sure that they are out there. With my children, I want to do everything I can to encourage them to dream. I want to make sure that I’m teaching my children to dream. And to always dream. 

Here is how I’m teaching my children to dream and I hope that you can/will/are doing the same for yours. 


  1. Vision Boards

We have a family vision board. If you’re not sure what a vision board is, it is gathering images to represent your dreams. For example, if there is a dream car that you have always wanted, you would get an image of that car and put it in a place where you can see it every day. There is something powerful that happens when your mind can see what you want. Vision boards can help you dream and can teach your children to dream. 

  1. Experiences over Gifts

As parents, it can be easy to rely on getting our children gifts for birthdays, holidays and such. Part of teaching your children to dream should be the experiences that they have. Being able to have new experiences and try new things is all a part of developing their imagination. 

Gifts can be great and we shouldn’t deprive our children of them, however, we shouldn’t deprive them of experiences that will help them to grow, develop, think and dream bigger. 

  1. Share Your Dreams 

Be the example that you want your children and family to follow after. Have a vision board for yourself and have times where you share with them your dreams. 

People say that experience is the best teacher, but when it comes to teaching your children, your example is the best teacher. Your children having the opportunity to see your dream, go after those dreams and achieving those dreams will teach them more than anything that they will learn in a classroom. 

Discussion Question:

What are your dreams? Have you shared them with your family?

The Value of a Support Group

Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you. - Misty Copeland Click To Tweet

I am the oldest of five in my family. On my mother’s side of the family, I have five sets of aunts and uncles, who each have at least five kids. We’re all older now and have our own families and kids. As you know I have pretty decent size immediate family and a bigger and growing extended family.

Father and Kids
Loving Father

My immediate family is very close and we’ve all stayed close as we have grown up. At the time I didn’t know that every family wasn’t close. Going to college, making new friends, and working in the social work field, I came to know how fortunate I was to have this growing up. The support that I have received from my family over the years has been priceless.

Not everyone has that family support, but now that I have a family of my own I want to provide this type of support for my spouse, children. This family support is so important. Here are three ways that family support is valuable:


  1. Support is not always family


I mentioned it above, but it bears repeating. I had and continue to have a strong support system from my family. What I came to realize is that not everyone has their family as a support system.

When family isn’t an option you have to have the support system that is made up of friends. We sometimes think that our support system has to automatically be our family. That’s not a guarantee. Look at all of your family and friends and take an inventory on who is adding value to your life. Those that are adding the most value will be the ones who make up your support system.


  1. Support helps you cope


Life can be stressful. There are so many aspects, situations, and parts of life that can be stressful for us. It feels like the weight of the world can be on your shoulders. As close as we can think that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, makes us, it also isolates us. We may be on social media, but we tend to have more feelings of isolation than genuine connections.

This is where our support system is crucial. They are the people that will talk with us on the phone, counsel us, calm us, and help us to see the ray of sunshine when everything looks cloudy and dark.


  1. Support is Personal


When you don’t have a support group it can be hard to begin to develop one. Developing a support group requires time and effort. Both of which you have to carry the load of until the relationship is established. Establishing those relationships requires personable interactions. Commenting on posts is great, but for a lasting relationship and a support system to be established requires that you may have to go through hard times together.

Hard times and good times are what make the foundation of a support system. People that will celebrate with you when things are good, but will also be there when you need picking up are priceless.


Discussion Question:

How have you developed your support system?