3 Ways to Let Your Light Shine

Have you ever seen Tomorrowland? I recently watched this movie and there is a scene near the end of the movie where Hugh Laurie’s character gives a passionate speech. I won’t retell the entire speech, but it caught my attention because it was about being comfortable where we are. We can see signs all around us that are begging for us to step up and make the world better. Instead we don’t to anything because we don’t want to change. You can watch the speech here.

This got me to thinking specifically about my relationship with God, and then I thought broader to Christians as a whole and our place in the world.

Everyday I have the chance to impact someone’s life for the better. Each time I wake up and step out the door , I can show someone the love of God. I’ll admit that I don’t always do that. There are days where I just go about my business and get done what I need to for the day.

Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

The recent mass shooting in Las Vegas is front and center in the news right now. It is sad that it takes a tragedy as horrific as this to get people to open up and want to love one another. As Christians we should be leading the way in living lives that “Glorify our Father in heaven”. Our lives should shine brightest in the darkest of times. The love that we show should be what will draw others to Christ. Here is how we can let our light shine:

Be bold.

There is a reason that a candle stands out in a dark room. It draws your eyes towards it and it helps you to see what is around you. Being bold is not fighting on social media to defend your faith, or arguing with neighbors and friends about the “Christian thing” to do. Let your lifestyle shine and it will draw people in.

Be humble.

Matthew 5:16 says that our good works are seen but they are seen so that God can get the glory. It’s hard to point someone to the God of love, if I take credit for all the good in my life. I would be bragging on myself and I’m not that great that I can, nor should I do that. We have to give God  first place in  our lives. In times of tragedy, it can be easy to say what we are doing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to help, but it is better to put action to my words instead of just talking

It’s a matter of heart.

I truly believe that only God can change someone’s heart. Change them to see the value in life, including their own. It doesn’t matter the type of tragedy, what is important is that if we will let our lights shine then God will continue to get the glory. It is His love that fuels our lights. His love is what powers us day by day to live better lives and impact the hearts of those that we come in contact with everyday.

You[ctt template=”8″ link=”lbp5B” via=”no” ]Your life will shine better than anything that comes out of your mouth[/ctt]

Let’s not let another tragedy come without giving God the chance to shine through us. What can you do to be an example of God’s love today?

3 Ways to Know If Our Prayers are Selfish

Building my Faith
I need Faith

30 Days of Prayer

Are my prayers selfish? This is not a question that most of us ask ourselves or even think about. My church has recently been participating in a 30 days of prayer journey together. For one month, we are challenged to pray for 30 minutes a day for 30 days for others. We receive a daily devotional each day that helps to give us a focus for that time of prayer.

We’re just over the half way point in the 30 Days of Prayer journey when I’m writing this, but it didn’t take me long to realize that there have been many times where my prayers were selfish. At this point I’ve already prayed for: people who do not know Christ, family members, the body of Christ, and those that are persecuted and killed because of their faith.

Are My Prayers Selfish

So, how do we know if we have selfish prayers? Here are three ways to tell if our prayers are selfish.

1. You do all the talking.

Prayer at its core is communicating with God. It’s having a conversation with God. In this case we are talking to God, who is all knowing and all powerful. Yet it amazes me that when I’m having my prayer time, how much of the time I spend doing all the talking and not listening. Prayer is just as much talking as it is listening.

James 5:16(KJV)
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

This is the scripture that started our 30 Days of Prayer focus. We as Christians are instructed to pray for one another. Prayer for others can bring healing.

2. You Are Distracted.

I can say from my own experience, that there have been times where I have sat down to pray and as soon as I get started, I have a random thought about something I need to do later. Which leads to another thought and another. Before I know it, I’ve spent my prayer time not focused and thinking about everything else in my day instead of God.

[ctt template=”8″ link=”95W8C” via=”no” ]Distracted prayers are not answered prayers[/ctt]

Most people can relate to what it’s like to have a conversation with a person who is distracted. We all can tell when we are talking to a someone who is not focused on us. Most of us probably wouldn’t stand for that, so why do we treat God the same way. We want God to answer our prayers and accept our distracted time with Him.

3. You Pray ONLY for Your Desires.

How many times have we gone to God in prayer, only to have it turn into a time of running down the list of things that we want or need? Tied with the previous two points, this type of prayer says that we’re too selfish to think of anything or anyone other than ourselves when it comes to prayer. The relationships that God places in our lives are for a purpose and our purpose in that relationship most importantly is to pray.

Our prayers become all about us and what we want. We shouldn’t treat God like a genie, where we just want our wishes granted. God wants to be in a relationship with us. He desires to be a part of our everyday life. This week let’s focus on praying for others.

Romans 12:1-2(MSG)
12 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Answering the Ultimate Marriage Question

Me and my God-send

Answering Marriages Ultimate



Yesterday was my seven-year anniversary. Once you get past the five-year mark, someone will ask you that one question. The one you know is coming, but you still seem to stumble through. We’ve all asked it and if you’re married for any amount of time, you’ll have to answer it. “What does it take to be married for ______ years?” My wife and I were out to dinner for our anniversary and were asked this very question. Here are three great answers to that question.

1. Communication.

There’s something to be said about the difference between talking and communicating. Talking is just speaking for the sake of speaking. Communication has more to do with trying to hear the person’s heart. You want to know where their perspective is coming from. Why they think the way that they do. To know which one you’re operating in do this test. If while your spouse is talking, you are focused on your response before they finish what they are saying, then you are talking and not communicating. Don’t aim to get your point across before fully giving yourself to hear and understand what is being said.

2. Prayer.

Not in the sense in that you pray something like “Lord, get this man/woman away from me.” Prayer in the sense that God will give you understanding about your spouse. God will help you to be a better person and can show you how to support your spouse. We should be praying for our spouse. There’s nothing that will soften your heart more towards someone than to pray for them. In marriage, our feelings are going to get hurt sometimes. Intentionally or not, it’s going to happen. To overcome those feelings of hurt or frustration the response is prayer. It may be hard, but you can do it! Prayer does change things. It changes us.

3. Growth.

Pick up a new hobby or an old one that you let you go by the wayside. Read a book, take dance lessons, music lessons, anything that’s new for the both of you. The point is that new is necessary when it comes to building experiences that develop a covenant relationship. We tend to get in life routines where we do the same thing day in and day out. We go dinner at the same restaurants, go do the same things repeatedly for date night without any creativity. Our marriages become stale and that happens because we become stale in our approach to pursuing a deeper relationship. We don’t grow as a person. Better yet we stop growing and get relaxed and comfortable in every area of our lives.

[ctt template=”5″ link=”bL7n0″ via=”no” ]Men pursue your wife…chase after her[/ctt]

Men, we stop pursuing our wives. It’s hard to remember the last time we got her flowers just because. We go to the local grocery store to get gifts. We stop putting effort into dressing nice or taking care of ourselves.
Ladies, at a certain point the old pajamas come out from the back of the closet. Not the cute and comfortable ones, but the pair that you had before you got married. You can’t remember the last time you did something nice for your man just because or encouraged him to pursue his dreams.

How would you answer the infamous question? Leave a comment below and tell me what you think it takes to be married and how long have you been married.