Walking by Faith?

Walk by Faith

Can we really walk by faith? What does it even mean to when we say “walk by faith.”

Walking by faith is the phrase that we, church folks, like to use when describing our relationship with God. The phrase is actually in the Bible.

 2 Corinthians 5:7

(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

cropped-In-front-of-lake.jpgHow can we do this and should we do this? Is this something that was just for people in bible times?

I think that we can and should be walking by faith today. There are so many bad things that are happening in our society, that we need to walk with God in order to have true peace and joy.

I once heard a story about Smith Wigglesworth, where it was said that he would talk to God about every decision that he made. He develop this type of relationship where he would ask God about every decision that came up, everything that he had to do in a day, every thing that we would consider not important or insignificant, he would ask God about it.

This is such an encouragement to me. I truly believe that God does want to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Now, do we include Him in every decision? I’ll be the first to admit that I do not do this all the time. At least not consistently. It’s like talking to my wife. Does she want to hear from me about every decision I have to make in a day; probably not. I do however have her  on my mind though when I make decisions.

This is how we can walk by faith. We should approach our day with God on our minds. If we approach our day with talking to God, we should expect to hear from Him too. Sometimes we get discouraged when talking to God because we may not hear anything back. Then we can feel silly, or like we need to give this up.

Don’t Give Up

We can’t give up on God. That feeling is because we haven’t developed a habit of talking to God, so it feels uncomfortable. We need to approach this like we approach everything else. See the end game. When it comes to things with God, we struggle with seeing the end. That we can and should see ourselves in the same light we look at Abraham, Joseph, David, and Jesus.

Our walk with God should be continuous. Everyday, every hour, every minute we have the opportunity to talk to God. If we can approach this with a heart that really wants to know God, we will hear from Him.

So don’t give up. Start today, like when we want to lose weight, or read more, or eat healthy, it all starts one day at a time. Today we can begin to talk to God. The first day you want to lose weight, 20lbs doesn’t come off your body because we walked for 10 minutes. No, but as we continue to exercise the weight starts to come off and we can see the goal a little clearer. As we talk with God, we may think that we’re not hearing from Him, but keep at it. Soon you’ll be able to hear His voice loud and clear.

Why we Grind/Hustle

Grinding or Hustling seems to be the mantra of anyone under 40. You can scroll through your timeline on Facebook and see plenty of post like “the grind never stops,” and “getting my hustle on, making this money.” I don’t want to knock anyone who has said this, but I think that our mentality is wrong about grinding or hustling.

Continue reading “Why we Grind/Hustle”

Balance: The Key to Life?

man-looking-at-mountainBalance. It’s the one thing in life that we all seem to struggle to maintain. Being able to work and advance our careers without having to sacrifice our families. Or it can be the opposite where we want to build relationships with our family and friends that our boss thinks that we are a flake at work. Add in our spiritual walk and it can be even harder to find balance.

I know this by personal experience. There can be times where I know I’m out of balance but I want to get this project done for work, or I need to finish something for the ministry. On top of that I want to be a good husband and father. Finding balance is one thing, but maintaining it is something completely different.

What would it look like to have perfect balance in all areas of your life? It probably would look like the perfect life. One where we have the awesome job that is fulfilling, a great family life, and friends that build us up. There are so many possibilities for each of us in life. With that comes a lot of areas and possibilities that we can be out of balance.

Many successful, really successful people, got to the “top of the mountain” and did so at the sacrifice of their families. How do we fight this imbalance? How do we make sure that there isn’t a trail of broken relationships behind us as we try to strive for greatness? This begs the question on whether or not we really can have it all.

Yes, I truly believe that we can have it all. There are some things that we have to do in order to make sure that we can be successful in all areas of our lives.

1. Self Assessments – We have to be able to look at ourselves and see all our greatness and all our faults. Sometimes we can let our pride cloud how we see ourselves.

2. Accountability – We need to have someone in our life that we listen to even when we are emotional, or struggling to make a decision. My wife is this person for me. She can tell me when that I’m being unreasonable, or that I’m letting something bother me when it shouldn’t. I listen to her, even when I may not want to.

What are you doing to get or maintain balance in your life?