New Years Resolution Fail?

Have you left your Resolutions already?

We’re already a couple of weeks into January and most people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. I hope that you’re not in that camp. If you are the then maybe this will kick start you into getting back on track and doing great things this year.


Here are 5 reasons why Your New Year’s Resolution has failed, and how to get back on track.


  1. Don’t treat it like a sprint; change is a marathon.

While the slow and steady approach isn’t the sexiest or new flash trend, this approach is the one that will change your life in a permanent way. Today everyone seems to have the “I want it Now” mentality. The key to any successful change is in the small steps that get you there. Those steps help us to build consistency and in consistency lies the power.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”M304h” via=”no” ]In consistency lies the power[/ctt]
  1. Thinking Too Much, and Not enough acting

The best advice in the world won’t do you any good if you fail to act. Fear can be just as powerful as inspiration, faith and knowledge. How do we overcome fear, one step at a time. Instead of being afraid of what could be, focus on an action that you can do today.


  1. You’re in too much of a hurry.

If it was quick and easy then everyone would do it. Sometimes we want to have the change right away. We want to reach our ideal weight in 30 days, so we go and buy the latest workout video, join a gym, and buy new workout clothes and don’t look at our budgets or schedule to see when we can realistically exercise. There’s a balance between not acting at all and acting too fast that can cause more damage to ourselves.


  1. You don’t have support

Many times when we set New Year’s Resolutions, we keep it to ourselves. Or you may have done like I have in the past were I talk about it as such a far off dream, that those closest to me don’t take it seriously. Mostly because I haven’t taken it serious. You can do a lot by yourself, but to truly accomplish something great, for your life to be what it can be, you’re going to need a support system.


  1. What is your WHY?

The biggest reason most people’s New Year’s resolutions fail is because they don’t know their why. A lot people set a resolution on wanting to lose weight. Or they want to exercise more. That’s usually where it ends for them. They don’t have a why they want to lose the weight. Is it to live a healthier lifestyle, or for medical reasons, or that you don’t like the idea of being out of breath after getting dressed in the morning. Whatever the resolution, you need to know your Why. It’s your Why that will keep you going past January and push you to succeed.


Let’s not let this year be like so many others in the past. If we can imagine it, we can accomplish it. Dream Big and Aim High. What are your goals for this year? What habits are you going to change? Share in the comments and we can encourage each other.


It’s Time to Assess Life

Life Assessment

The End of 2017

The end of the year will be here before you know it. This past year I can honestly say that I set some goals and I accomplished some of them. Although I didn’t cross everything off my list, the progress I have made thus far has me exicted for 2018 and what that will bring. What will your 2018 look like? The great thing about answering that question is that you are in control of what it looks like.

For this month I’ll be writing to help us prepare for 2018. We’ll look at this past year with open eyes to where we can look at ourselves, our spouses, and our marriages and begin to make plans for the upcoming year.

December is a great time to reflect on the past year and get prepared for 2018. Many may call it a life assessment or a time or reflection. No matter what it is called the main idea behind it is still the same; we want to look at the past year to see what things worked, what didn’t work, where could we be better in life, and so on. Before we look around us, we need to look within.


Who are you? Do you really know who you are? Most people don’t. So many of us hide behind the false selves of achievement and status, because we are afraid for the world to truly see us for who we are. If they saw us then they might not like us.

If we know who we are, then we’ll know what we’re called to do.

There is a gap between who we present ourselves to be and who we truly are. Our goal is to bridge that gap. To be a person of constant character.

How do we bridge this gap? There are plenty of tools that are online that can help with that. One that I like to use is here.

[ctt template=”8″ link=”80k62″ via=”no” ]Growth is intentional[/ctt]

A tool is only as good as you use it. What I’m saying that it doesn’t matter what tool you use if you never take any steps you gain from the insights. We all have blindspots in our lives. We can’t ignore them and expect to get the best out of life.

This is intentional growth. We aiming to be better people with better marriages.

All of this starts with us first.

What do you want the next year of your life to look like? What blind spots are you going to tackle?

Comment below, there’s isn’t a better accountability than to tell someone else.

Happy 4th of July!!

It’s July 4th. Happy Independence Day! I pray that you are celebrating safely with your family and friends. We’re now more than half way through 2017. This year seems to be going by very fast.

Where Has the Time Gone

If you’re like me, at the beginning of the year you set goals of things that you want to accomplish this year. Maybe you are better than I am and you have already accomplished everything that you set out to do this year. You could be on the other end of the spectrum and you realize that it’s July 4th and you can’t even remember what your goals were. This year, I’m somewhere in the middle. I haven’t accomplished everything that I set out to do this year, but I have accomplished more this year than I have in years past.

This Year Can Still be Awesome!! Click To Tweet

So how do you get the most out of the rest of this year? Can your goals still be accomplished this year? The easy answer is yes, but the more complicated answer is that the rest of this year is dependent upon you. This year can still be great but it must come with some reflection.

What Is Holding You Back?

What has kept us back so far this year? Has it been laziness, busyness, or any number of other things that will try to creep up on our priority list. There must be a time of self reflection where we can see what is holding us back.

As we celebrate America’s Independence Day today, let’s set the rest of our year to make the best of it. Let’s have a time of reflection and then have a plan. We can’t just wish that things will be different, we have to plan to do better. Plan for the things that will try to hold us back and how we can overcome them.

Plan For Better

This can still be an awesome year! What has been holding you back this year? What’s your plan to overcome your setbacks? We can still accomplish so much this year. Let’s get to work!