Thankful for Your Spouse

How Thankful are You for Your Spouse?

Thanksgiving…the holiday that is almost but forgotten by stores across the country. It’s getting shorter every year. At this point we get a week of Thanksgiving and then the Christmas trees and decorations come out.  This attitude can creep into our relationships if we’re not proactive. What type of attitude? The one where we are short on the thankfulness, but focusing on fulfilling our own needs and desires.

I love Thanksgiving, not for the food (although it is good) but for the heart that can come from it. Taking time to reflect and be thankful for the past year, shows me how blessed and how much I cherish my spouse.

In the spirit of being thankful, here are couple of ways that you can show your thankfulness to your spouse.

Cook them their favorite dish.

Thanksgiving is a time where there will be family and friends around. Have a date before your house is filled with people. If you have kids, put them to bed and cook your spouse their favorite dish or dessert. Take a moment to share with your spouse on why you are thankful for them. What have they done in the past year that spoke to your heart? Talk about how you have seen them grow past something they struggled with. The whole idea behind this date is to put the focus on your spouse and how thankful you are for them.

Take a drive in the country.

Many cities and towns have a color tour. Now that it is fall and the leaves are changing and starting to fall, there are routes that you can get from the city’s website. The routes are designed to show you the most of nature and the changing of the leaves. So take some time, map out a route and hit the road with your loved one. Put on your favorite songs and enjoy the scenery.

There are plenty of ways that you can show your spouse that you’re thankful for them. This is a chance for you to be creative and use your spouse’s love language as a way to show or tell them how thankful you are for them.

[ctt template=”5″ link=”Z6t97″ via=”no” ]This year show your spouse how thankful you are for them[/ctt]

Other Options

If they are big into Facebook/Instagram/Twitter, post a video or write a post that sings their praises. You can post the ten reasons that you’re thankful for them. Have a spouse that is a words of affirmation person? Then you can write a poem (created by you or Google one), in a card or frame it if you want to take it up a notch.

The possibilities are endless of ways that you can show your thankfulness. Let’s just make sure that we do show it, and not just move past this time and into the Christmas season.

How do you express your thankfulness during this time of year? How can I help? Leave a comment below.

Deposit into those you Love

How is Your Love Tank?

How important is our spouse, our friends, and family? Are we making deposits into those that we have relationships with? There is something my wife and I like to do, we do these little check ins with each other. We’ll ask “How’s your love tank?” The purpose of it is to make sure that we are putting deposits into our relationship, specifically for the other person and not just being a one who withdraws.



What is a deposit? A deposit is something that you do specifically for the other person in the relationship. You’re looking to make an impact on the other person’s heart. You want to “deposit” an act of love, an act that speaks directly to their heart.

When we are in a relationship with someone else, whether spouse, friend, or family, we should look to make a deposit into that person. When deposits are made on a consistent basis, it is easier when a withdraw has to be made. It’s easier to need your spouse to cover things at home while you’re working late to meet a deadline when deposits are made. It’s easier to ask a friend or family member to be with you after a surgery when deposits are made.

It’s Not about Me

Making deposits isn’t about us. This is a selfless act. You’re saying that I’m doing with act strictly because I care about the other person.

Being a person that only withdraws is selfish. I used to have a friend in middle school who was like this. Our school would serve breakfast in the morning before class started. Every morning I would try to get to school early enough where I could get some breakfast, and this friend would be there with me. However, I seemed to be the one always buying them breakfast. After awhile I grew tired of buying them breakfast and had to tell them no. Needless to say we didn’t stay friends for much longer. The point here is that this friend was only making withdraws from our friendship. Only making withdraws at some point you will use more than what you’ve deposited.

My wife and I read The Five Love Languages and one of the main aspects it taught us was how to make significant deposits into each other. To know their “Love Language.” People that we care about, each have their own way about what will touch their heart and be a “deposit.”

I encourage you to do a little relationship maintenance and check with your spouse, family, and friends to see how their tank is. Are you making more deposits or withdraws?