Love Thyself

Welcome to the Love Month

We are into the second month of this new year. February is officially the month to express your love. After all the New Years’ stuff for sale in stores, you see Valentines’ Day stuff. While everyone will be focusing on expressing love for their spouses, significant others and friends, that is not what I have been thinking about. 

Self-Care is Important

Self-care is a big movement. People want to know how to become more productive, how to grow as a person and plenty of other topics. Self-care is a very true thing. It’s something that we have to be aware of. 


Our self-care is comprised of our mentality, emotions, and spirits. We have to care for ourselves in all of these areas. There has been a big push about mental awareness lately. That’s fine and we should push to know more about ourselves and those around. While doing that we need to know more about ourselves and love.


Before my wife and I got married, it was recommended that we read The 5 Love Languages book. A lot of people have read it and know about the five languages that are discussed, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, gifts, and words of affirmation. We learned about each other and more importantly, we learned about ourselves. But, it’s not enough to just know your love language.


Learning about the way in which you receive love is a huge step in self-development. 

So while February is a month where we want to show love to those that are around us, we also should not forget about ourselves. Learning the way that you receive love is necessary. You have to continue to grow as a person. 


How Do You Receive Love?

How do you receive love? Are you trying to develop yourself? Start this, today. We spend so. much of our time giving to others and investing in them that we often forget that we should pour into ourselves. You have to make sure that your own tank is full before you can give it to others. 


Discussion Questions:

How do you take care of yourself?

Change The Narrative

Hopefully, the year is off to a good start. Are you still holding on to the changes that you want to see in your life? Have you held on to your why?

What’s Your Why?

If you’ve fallen off the wagon, don’t lose hope. A bad moment, day, week or month does not have to determine the rest of your year. You can always change the narrative.

It may only be the beginning of the year, but as much as we want the new year to be a new start, we really just carry over the previous year. Think about it, how many times has the date changed and you had a completely new start? Probably never.

My Journey

This year I’ve embarked on a new journey that will stretch me. I’m embarking on developing a new writing adventure. This adventure has forced me to confront my insecurities in this area. I had these same insecurities last year but I never had to deal with them. Now, I have to deal with them and decide if I want to overcome them and grow in this area or will I go backward.

Going backward is easier, and frankly, it’s more comfortable to not have to grow as a person. While the date on the calendar changed, this new year didn’t mean that I was a new person. What I can change is the narrative.

What is a narrative? A narrative is basically a story. So if we want to change our story, it’s going to require that we grow. Changing our story requires more than just a change in the date.

1. Fight

Changing your story is going to require that you fight for the story you want. It’s going to be hard and you’re going to have moments where you doubt yourself, but you have to be willing to fight. You need to fight to change the narrative

2. Know Thyself

I mentioned it above, but there will be times where you feel like things aren’t changing, what will you do? How do handle the disappointments that come in life? Knowing yourself is a part of what it will take. You’re going to have to recognize when you hit a wall. Changing your narrative will force you to grow, and how you handle that process determines if the narrative changes.

3. Support is vital

When the tough times come you’re going to need support. You’re going to need people around you that will be able to encourage you through the hard times. Who you choose for that support is going to be key. Set yourself up with people that encourage, it isn’t something that you think about but it’s what you’ll need.

Discussion Question:

What do you want your narrative to say?

5 Fall Date Ideas

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” 

― Benjamin Franklin


I know that it’s the start of summer, the kids have just gotten out of school and the family summer plans are in full effect. It’s a little early to think of this upcoming fall season, but why not have some fun and begin the thought process of having some fun this fall. 

Fall Leaves

Fall is a great season to get close and spend time with your spouse. Everyone has their favorite season. I’m just a fan of any season that will let you get close to your spouse. Guys here are some great date ideas for the fall season. 


  1. Go Apple Picking at a local Orchard


While this may not be a new idea and you may have done this before, but there is a way to change it up. Try making it an apple-themed day, play the game “Apples to Apples”. You can eat at an Applebee’s and make sure to try a new dessert besides apple pie. Here’s a free recipe


  1. Having a Coffee Date


This is a great time to go to a coffee shop. I’m personally not a fan of pumpkin anything, but chocolate is always good as well anything with chai in the title. There’s nothing better than spending some quiet time together. Add to the coffee date by starting a new book that you read together. 


  1. Bake a Pie Together


Cooking with your spouse is always fun. It’s an easy way to flirt and you get to eat food together. Fall is a great season to try a classic pie(apple, pumpkin or sweet potato) or if you’re feeling adventurous you and your spouse each pick a new recipe and cook them both. 


  1. Cook Dinner for Each Other


There are so many great recipes out there with videos, instructions, and tools to help you that cooking a meal for your spouse isn’t as hard as it used to be. So take turns and cook each other a fall themed meal. You could do meals centered around colors (red, orange, yellow) or a meal based on specific foods (cranberries, squash). There are plenty of possibilities. 


  1. Make Homemade Caramel Apples


I have young children and this one can apply to a romantic evening for two or a family event. This fall we will definitely do this just as a couple and also with my young children. If you’re well versed in the kitchen you can make your own caramel or get some from a local grocery store. Either way, this is a good time by all. Here is a free homemade caramel recipe


All of these date ideas can be changed and styled after yourself. Like the quote at the start of this article, you want to plan ahead. Planning doesn’t mean you take the fun out of things. It just gives you an idea of what you want to do. 


Discussion Question: 

What fall date are you looking forward to doing with your spouse?