Maturity of a Man

Maturity doesn’t come with age; it begins with the acceptance of responsibility – A.R. Bernard “Four Things Women Want From A Man

Are you growing?

If asked, most people would tell you that they are a mature person. If a couple is in a disagreement, each person thinks that they are being the mature one. So how do we know if we’re being mature or if we are still young in mind and spirit? Like the above quote, maturity comes down to responsibility. 

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Your Spouse & God Want The Same Thing

Have you been challenged this year? For most of us, I would think that we have been challenged. It has been an assault on our mental and spiritual. In these challenges, we can question God and wonder what does he want from us? 


What Do They Want From Me?

Being quarantined with your spouse for the last 3-4 months we can have some of the same questions. The answer to both of these questions surprisingly is the same. What your spouse wants from you are the same things that God wants from us. 

I believe that there are four qualities that as men, our wives, and God want to see from us. Here is a quick take on these four things. There will be upcoming posts that will dive more in-depth into each of these traits. 

Continue reading “Your Spouse & God Want The Same Thing”

Love Thyself

Welcome to the Love Month

We are into the second month of this new year. February is officially the month to express your love. After all the New Years’ stuff for sale in stores, you see Valentines’ Day stuff. While everyone will be focusing on expressing love for their spouses, significant others and friends, that is not what I have been thinking about. 

Self-Care is Important

Self-care is a big movement. People want to know how to become more productive, how to grow as a person and plenty of other topics. Self-care is a very true thing. It’s something that we have to be aware of. 


Our self-care is comprised of our mentality, emotions, and spirits. We have to care for ourselves in all of these areas. There has been a big push about mental awareness lately. That’s fine and we should push to know more about ourselves and those around. While doing that we need to know more about ourselves and love.


Before my wife and I got married, it was recommended that we read The 5 Love Languages book. A lot of people have read it and know about the five languages that are discussed, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, gifts, and words of affirmation. We learned about each other and more importantly, we learned about ourselves. But, it’s not enough to just know your love language.


Learning about the way in which you receive love is a huge step in self-development. 

So while February is a month where we want to show love to those that are around us, we also should not forget about ourselves. Learning the way that you receive love is necessary. You have to continue to grow as a person. 


How Do You Receive Love?

How do you receive love? Are you trying to develop yourself? Start this, today. We spend so. much of our time giving to others and investing in them that we often forget that we should pour into ourselves. You have to make sure that your own tank is full before you can give it to others. 


Discussion Questions:

How do you take care of yourself?