Quality Time with God

Quality time together

One of the five love languages is Quality Time. This is the love language that speaks the most to me. I believe it’s great to have quality time with the one you love. It’s essential to building a strong foundation to your relationship and then the longer that you are together it becomes more important. As a relationship matures spending quality time together keeps you connected. Just like we need quality time with our spouse, we need quality time with God. Here are two reasons why quality time with God is important.

1. A solid foundation.

Like a natural relationship, quality time is essential to the start of your relationship. When we are first dating, we spend every moment of time together. We look and make time to spend with that person. When we first come to know God and accept Him into our lives, it’s like seeing the world with the new relationship goggles on. We see God in every ray of sunshine, we see Him in the clouds, we see Him in the smell of fresh grass in the morning.

[ctt template=”8″ link=”mcx19″ via=”yes” ]Quality time is essential to our relationship with God[/ctt]

Having a new relationship with God makes it so that we can have our Bible just fall open and He will speak to us. We feel His presence in every worship song. Every message we hear seems to speak to our hearts and the situation that we’re in. It is in this newness of the relationship that we set our foundation in Him.

2. Keeps you together over time.

There are so many couples today that get divorced when the kids move out of the house. They realize that over the past 18 years, their lives have revolved around the kids so much that they feel like they don’t know each other anymore.

Over time our relationship with God can become “stale.” It can feel like we are doing the same things over and over. Go to church every week, read my Bible, try to pray everyday, this can be the routine that we fall into. This becomes the routine of our walk with God and we neglect the relationship with God. Having quality time with your spouse over the long term can keep your relationship fresh. As couples grow together they learn different skills and hobbies. Having quality time together allows us to share those new skills and hobbies.

We have to be proactive about our relationship with God too. God should be given the highest priority in our lives. Spending quality time with God keeps the things we do everyday from getting stale.

How do you keep your relationship with God fresh?


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Author: Leonard

I am father to LJ (Leonard Joshua), and Sophia. Loving husband to Kalene. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I aim to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him and that honors my family. I believe that every Christian should be bold to live their life and have the love to impact those around them.

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