5 Everyday Ways To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

It’s Time to Step Out

Stepping out of our comfort zone can be a scary thing. We may not say it’s scary but our actions indicate that we are scared. Our actions tell more about us than we may ever say with our mouths. Stepping out of our comfort zone leads us to the thought that we have to do some amazing, earth shattering thing. While there are times when that it required, there are ways that we can step out of comfort zone everyday that we overlook.

Practice What I Preach

My wife really enjoys dancing. If she saw it on Dancing with the Stars then she wants to try it From the Salsa to the Waltz she’s all in. I stepped out of my comfort zone and we took a dancing class at a local studio. The surprise; I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would. There are lots of everyday things that we can do that will help us to step out of comfort zones.

Everyday Ways to Step Out

  1. Encourage someone today. Most days we talk to the same group of people and mostly about the same things. It’s easy to have a conversation with them. Step out of your comfort zone and talk to someone that you normally wouldn’t. Take it a step farther and encourage them.
  2. Take a risk. Don’t put your livelihood in jeopardy here. A daily risk that you can take; unplug from your phone for the day. You don’t realize how attached you are to a device until you’re forced to go without it. There’s freedom using your phone as a phone and just a phone. You’d be surprised at how much time you get back.
  3. Read a book this month. It is far too common to hear people say that they don’t read. AT ALL. Not sure where to start?here are libraries around that will help you. Reading will expand your vocabulary, open your mind and imagination. Want to grow in an area? Read about people who have done what you want to do. Learn from them.
  4. Volunteer.  We tend to associate with people who are like us. They usually come from the same background and are interested in the same things. Volunteer for a day or even for a couple of hours will force you out of your comfort zone.
  5. Pray. Pray for someone today. Many times people will like to dump their problems on us. Instead of just being a sounding board, offer to pray with them about the situation. Men, pray for your wives and family. Lead the prayers. It is a part of us leading our families. Step out of our comfort zone and pray for our families.

There are many more things that we can do step out of comfort zone everyday. How are you stepping out of your comfort zone today?