You Need Your Dreams

  1. So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. – 2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT

Have you felt like you’re going in circles? Did the last year put you through the wringer emotionally, mentally, physically? Sometimes it’s all we can do just to get through the day. It’s this feeling that can have in a routine or a cycle that is hard to break out of. 

Continue reading “You Need Your Dreams”

How 3 insights will change the way you look at your small dreams

Dream small

Don’t bother like you’ve gotta do it all

Just let Jesus use you where you are

One day at a time

Live well

Loving God and others as yourself

Find little ways where only you can help

With His great love

A tiny rock can make a giant fall

Dream small

All Dreams Matter

I like to talk a lot about getting back to the place where we dream again. We should all dream a little more and then take it a step further and chase those dreams. We want to dream of the future and what could be. Our dreams tend to consistent of vacations that we want to take, cars we want to drive and homes that we want to own.

I recently attended a benefit dinner where Josh Wilson was the musical guest. Those are his lyrics at the beginning of this post. It was a pleasure and he performed one of his songs called Dream Small. It was this song that had my mind thinking about the small dreams in our lives that we can let drift away.

I listed the big dreams that we tend to have and if you polled most people what you find is that the big dreams tend to fall into the same categories.

Your small dreams are what separates you. It is in those small dreams that you find your uniqueness.small dreams that you find your uniqueness. You will find yourself in the small dreams. What does a small dream look like?

1. Small Dreams are from the heart.

We can find ourselves in a space and time where we know the big things that are out in front of us. However our aspirations can seem so far away. They start in our hearts but because they are so far away we can lose sight of them. Small dreams are the issues from your heart that you hold on to.

2. Small Dreams aren’t always tied to money.

The dreams that are in your heart aren’t always tied to money. Our small dreams can be things like losing weight, or eating healthier. What’s in your heart to do? To be a better person, do you want to read more? How about learning a new skill or hobby. It’s what’s in your heart to do.

3. Small Dreams don’t need to be classified as Small Dreams.

We should stop classifying our dreams as small or big. That inherent classifying makes us value the big dreams over the small dreams. We have to just think of them as dreams. What are our dreams? We want to focus on our dreams being from our heart.

Discussion Question:

What are your dreams?

Family Time

Are you enjoying the time with your family? This past week I was able to do just that. I love family time. In a previous article I talked about how the foundations of our families. This includes traditions that you want to set. One such tradition that we have in our family is attending the National Auto Show in Detroit. We’ve gone every year since we’ve been married and my wife has been going since she was a little girl. It is one of my favorite parts of the year.

Family Time

There can be such need to hustle and grind today. In you go on Instagram or Facebook, you see the how people are promoting themselves and their “grind.” It now seems to be the “in” thing to show about yourself. It’s self promotion at it’s finest. If we that’s what we have come to.

Truly pursuing your dream isn’t about showing everyone what you are doing. When something is important to you, you do it. You make time for it, and your attitude isn’t dependent on what people think about you. You also have balance.

Pursuing your dreams isn't about being seen on social media. Go after your dreams for those that mean the most to you Click To Tweet

Going after our dreams is great. I believe that we’re all called to do something great. Our lives are supposed to have an impact that is bigger than what we do at our jobs. We need the balance of our families. Achieving your dream will mean nothing if you don’t have people around you to celebrate with you. So how do you we have balance where we can change our dreams and enjoy our family.

  1. Schedule Family Time.

This may seem like it goes against quality time. The things on our schedules tend to be the things that get done. It’s important while your chasing your dream to make sure that those people closest to you know that they’re important to you. This is the time to turn off your phone and invest into your spouse and your family.


  1. Communicate your Dreams to your family

There isn’t a better feeling than having your family support you in chasing your dream. To make it easier for them to support you, bring them into the process of your dream. Communicate and share with them the things that you are trying to do. Share your dream with those closest to you. It will help them understand the sacrifice that you’re making and it will also give them what they need to support you during this time.


  1. Accept criticism

Pursuing a dream can sometimes put you in a frame of mind that is solely focused on one thing. Doing the above two things will help to keep things balanced in our life, but there can still be times were we can lose perspective. It is in those moments that we have to be able to accept criticism when our spouse or kids tell us that we’re out of balance. We don’t want to be on the defense all the time.


Discussion Question:

How do you maintain balance while pursuing your dream?