Taking Advantage of The Time

Great Opportunity is only as good as your preparation to take advantage of it.- Tom Black


In times of crises, your character really does speak louder than your words. Are you the type of person that is fighting in the stores, or someone who is trying to help his fellow neighbor? Now more than ever your actions tell on you.

Life Assessment
Morning Routine

Our attitudes determine a lot of how we view the world. It’s amazing how two people can see the same situation differently. Think of all the situations where you and your spouse see the same thing but differently.  

Our attitudes determine our outlook Click To Tweet

How are you viewing this time of COVID-19? Going stir crazy? Are you frustrated with trying to work from home? There is a way that you can make the most out of this time. 


  1. Set a Goal


Don’t think of this as some concrete, must be done type of thing. Instead, approach this as a motivation for your day. So whether it is work-related, reading a book, starting your side hustle, it doesn’t matter. You want to be able to set something out in front of you for your day. 

Goals are great just as a daily motivation. Most of us are either working from home or we are on temporary leave from work. It helps to ensure that we’re not just laying around in our sweatpants watching Netflix all day. 


  1. Encourage Yourself


There is something that can just happen to you when you spend all your time in one area. While there may be work to do or plenty of at home work projects, the fact of being contained can take its toll. 

It can be easy to fall into a rut and feel like the world is crashing in on you. This is the feeling that you’re fighting against. 

Encouraging yourself is mandatory during this time. If you’re like me, you took for granted the positive impact that being around other human beings has. Now they are longing for contact and connection with other human beings. 

Without being able to have that person to person contact, there is a greater need for us to find ways to keep ourselves encouraged. 

Have some extra prayer time, find some encouraging music. Laughter is also what will keep your spirit up. Whatever you need to keep yourself encouraged, this is the time to begin to surround yourself with that. 


  1. Read, Read, Read


So many people do not read books. There are so many different genres out there. Try a couple of different books. Don’t feel bad if you start a book and don’t finish it, just move on to a different genre and see if you like that type. There are plenty of options out there’s enough  if you’re not able to make it to a library. 


  • Audio-books – there are plenty of options outside of Audible. Most of them have a free trial period so try different ones and see what you like. 
  • Library Access – you may not be able to physically go to a library, but many of them have electronic services that will  offer eBooks and movies etc.
  • YouTube – don’t binge random videos, try learning a new skill 


Discussion Question:

How are you taking advantage of your time?