Happy Father’s Day in 2020

It’s June already!!! Between the Coronavirus and the fight for racial equality, it seems like this first half of the year passed before we could realize it. Now it’s the halfway point in the year and it feels like we’re all just getting back outside. You may not have even realized it, but Father’s Day is this weekend. I know right!! Where did the time go? How can we celebrate Father’s Day this year?

There are plenty of gifts that you can google for Father’s Day. While the socks, ties, and grill sets are nice, we can do more for the special dads in our lives. Here are some ways to think outside the box when planning for Father’s Day. 

Father's Day can be as special as you make it. It’s not really about the gifts and cards, but more about trying to show love to the men in our lives. Click To Tweet
  1. Speak His Love Language

If you know the 5 Love Languages, then you know that we each have a dominant language. The fathers in our lives have one that speaks to their heart. Instead of the traditional gift, try planning something around their love language

  1. A Gift Aimed at Their New Hobby

Has the man in your life recently started a new hobby or have they been talking about something that they’ve wanted to start? You can get them a gift that might help them in this new hobby. 

  1. A New Way to Show You Love Them

Every man wants to hear that they are loved, appreciated, and valued. It may be hard for them to say it in return or to receive, but this Father’s Day would be a great time to express your love and appreciation in a new way. 

Father’s Day can be as special as you make it. It’s not really about the gifts and cards, but more about trying to show love to the men in our lives. 

In the times that we live in now, it’s even more important to show love to the black men around us. Tell them that they are appreciated and loved. There are more and more cases where they are being killed. So instead of watching the news, express love to your fathers, sons, uncles, and other men in your life. 

Happy Father’s Day!

Fear No More

2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

No fear

Don’t Live a Life of Fear

I thought about not writing about this topic, then I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write about it or what I would say. So I’ll go with where I am at the moment. 

Fear is a powerful force. Left unchecked it can drive your life and influence every decision that you make in life. I don’t want to live a life of fear. 

The cases of Ahmad Arbery and George Floyd have really hit home lately. These are such tragic situations that really could take place in any city in America. Add on top of that is the case of Amy Cooper calling the police on an African American man who simply asked her to leash her dog. A rule that is visible throughout the area of Central Park.

I don’t want to go into details about each of the cases but you can research them and find out for yourself. I’m not running from sharing the details, or anything like that, but reading the details and seeing how these men were treated is just hard for me. We are not that different. It could have been me; it could be you or someone you know. 

With all that being said, I can’t let the fear of what “could happen” drive my life. That’s not a way for a person to live their life. So what are we supposed to do?

  • Chose to Love and Not Fear

Choosing to love and not fear doesn’t mean that I will be silent about things that happen. We still have to speak out against horrible acts like this. What it does mean is that I will not hold on to fear in my heart. I will choose to hold on to love. I want my heart to be full of love and not fear. Hopefully, that will come out in my actions to educate others around me, white and black. May that love comes out in the words that I speak and the actions that I have towards others. 


  • Don’t become Dull

It seems like there are more and more stories of African Americans being mistreated coming out. Honestly, it’s hard to not become dull to the stories. The more you see, read and hear about a tragedy, the easier it is to get accustomed to it. We live in a 24hr news cycle with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter we can be inundated with heartbreaking stories. 

We have to find a way to empathize with people that are suffering and also not become dull to “another story.” The balance of that is very hard.  Over and over we read these stories and have to purpose in our hearts not carry the weight of the world with each incident. 


  • It’s Okay to Take a Break

As I mentioned above, reading each tragic story can be a lot. It’s a lot for me. On top of that, everything that our country is going through with COVID-19, as an African American father, husband, son, and brother it can be a lot to take in. 

There has been a strong push for mental health. I’m in favor of it. We need to be able to talk, pray, and sometimes detach ourselves at least for a moment so that we can get the clarity and strength we need for ourselves, families, and society. Don’t be afraid or scared to say when you need a break.

Is There an Answer?

None of these steps are solutions to the problems that are going on, but just my thoughts as I process. I’ve been meditating on the scripture that I started with. It’s helped me and I hope that this helps you. 

Having Special Days

During this time it can feel like all the days are running together. Do you know if it’s Thursday or is it Saturday? Are the days just streaming together into one long week? Most people are finding themselves feeling like this. Either because they are quarantined at home they find themselves with long blocks of time or they are working from home and putting in long hours trying to navigate their job in this new space.

Father and Kids
Loving Father

I recently started a new job right before my state, Michigan, went into shut down/quarantine precautions. I bring this up because I’m currently training on said job from home, which has been interesting. 

Everyday can be special with the right attitude Click To Tweet

This past week was my son’s 6th birthday and there were challenges that me and my wife were trying to make sure that his day was a special day. Are you able to make your days special? Can you break up the monotony and have special days in between? Here is what we did and what you can do to have special days during this time.


  1. Change up the Morning


What is your morning routine? Even if it wasn’t written down most of us have a routine that we go through when we wake up in the morning. 

To make the day special, change up the routine. For my son we made sure to have a special breakfast for him. As a way to change up what he normally does, but to also let him know that this is a special day. 


  1. Socialize How You Can


Can you go to or have a birthday party? Probably not during this time, but what you can do is find different ways that you can socialize. There are plenty of apps and websites that will help you to be able to see the faces of your friends and family. It may be a little weird for you, but being able to see a friend’s face and hear their voice can be good for you. 

With my son, we  called all of our family members and he was able to talk to them. Then we tried a virtual party on Zoom where he could see some of his friends. It was really nice.


Discussion Question:

What are you doing to break up your days?