Leading Through A Pandemic

The past week or so has been a trying time for our nation. In case you’re wondering what I am referring to, you can take a look at my previous post here. The stories are constantly on rotation on all news networks, all over social media. While trying to process all of this information how are you going to lead your family through the back part of this pandemic?

Who is following you?

Does anyone really have the answers during this time? I can tell you no, there isn’t a concrete set of answers that we can all use. There isn’t a set of rules that will help us lead our children, spouses, and loved ones through this. All we can offer is our best advice and hope that it helps. 

That’s what I want to do here. Offer some ideas and thoughts that I pray will help or get you thinking about how we can prepare our families for coming out of this pandemic. 


  • Communicate


Communication is the strength of any relationship. Within your family, each person needs to be able to communicate their expectations and feelings during this time. From this point, you can decide what would be best for the family as a unit. 


  • Have a Plan


This second half of the year is going to be one of reintegration. The best way to prepare for the upcoming season is to plan for it. Did you miss your family vacation? Were birthdays put on hold? Now would be a great time to develop a plan on how you can do those things again. 


  • Know Yourself


Throughout this pandemic time, mental health has been emphasized more and more. Rightly so, because this time has been stressful with the health concerns, the employment fluctuations, and the closings of schools. How are you feeling during this time? Are you ready for the reintegration to begin? Use this time to sort through our own feelings and try to prepare for the next phase. 


  • Prayer 


It is through prayer that we can gain access to God. You have to be able to know what is right for you and your family. Despite what the local and state governments are saying about the reintegration, it is through prayer that you will know what is right for you. What we really want is God’s knowledge and wisdom in this situation. 


Discussion Question:

What are you looking forward to after this time of quarantine?

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Author: Leonard

I am father to LJ (Leonard Joshua), and Sophia. Loving husband to Kalene. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I aim to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him and that honors my family. I believe that every Christian should be bold to live their life and have the love to impact those around them.

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