Why I Do This?

My Family
Sophia, Kalene, Leonard Joshua (LJ) and Me

Why This Blog

Why do we do what we do? You’ve been receiving these emails from me for some time now. I don’t know if I have ever shared my heart with why I decided to write start this blog.

There used to be a time when marriage wasn’t looked at as being just a contract. A time where there were more couples who were married for 50, 60, 70 years. Today couples are considered lucky if they make it 20 or 30 years.

My Past and Moving Forward

I come from a divorced home. Probably like most of you, I saw what happened to my parents and I want something different for myself. I want to not only be married to one person, but also be happy, and having fun the longer I’m married.

It makes no sense to me that the divorce rate in America is nearly 50%. I think that we can and should do better. Especially for Christians out there. We’re called to be a light to world. One area that our lights should shine is in our marriages.

So thank you for joining me on this journey as we build each other up, strengthen our marriages for the long haul and have fun doing it.

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Built to Last: 3 ways to strengthen your marriage & have fun doing it

Built to Last

When we get married or even begin to have the idea that we want to get married, we don’t think about getting divorced. This is not one of those ventures where we are supposed to think of it ending before we begin. We want to have a happy ending.  

We want a marriage that will stand the test of time. When you think about your marriage, how do you see it? Can you see yourself still married to the same person 20, 30, 40 years from now? Are you happy or just two elderly roommates waiting for someone to come visit you?

From My Heart

My wife and I have been married for 7 years(at the time of this writing). While that may not seem like a long time to everyone, it’s a big deal for me. My parents marriage didn’t make it the long haul. They’re happy now, married to different people, but happy nonetheless. Going through their divorce showed me and reaffirmed in me that I wanted to make sure I was as sure as I could be when I wanted to get married. I wanted to do all that I could to make sure that my marriage would last throughout the years. Here are 3 ways to build a marriage that last.

1. Self Development.

Your marriage will grow as you continue to grow. Where we are now is not the final version of ourselves. Like a new iPhone that comes out each year with minor improvements, our growth will be the same. The version of you 5 years from now maybe “you version 8.0”, but those small improvements add up a big jump from where you are today. So don’t stress over the small improvements, or think that things aren’t changing fast enough. They are. It will be okay. As you grow, your marriage will grow.

2. Create couples rituals.

Do something regularly that bonds you, such as 10 minutes to chat before bed, always having morning coffee together, or saving Saturday for date night.

3. Have a daily check-in.

Marriage experts recommend couples do something that big business has employed for decades to keep workers happy, productive, and in the loop: hold regular team meetings. It’s a good thing that yours will be more fun than listening to Bob from accounting go over the last month’s sales numbers.  The idea is to keep communication flowing freely with an agenda.

  • Start by appreciating something about each other.
  • Offer up some new information from your day.
  • Ask your spouse about something that has bothered or puzzled you (or something about yourself).

You don’t have to do all of these things, but if you try one improvement for the next 30 days, you’ll find yourself in a better marriage than you had a month ago.

What do you do to strengthen your marriage?


5 Ways To A Happy Marriage

Can I have a happy marriage? What does is take to have a happy marriage? You may have asked yourself this question or a variation of it. It doesn’t matter if you are single, dating, engaged or already married, this is a question that we ask ourselves. How do we go from where we are to a happy marriage?

I came across a video on YouTube, where the radio personalities were interviewing a celebrity. Or at least someone that was promoting their latest movie or book. It’s not important, what is important is that the question of marriage came up. The question that was asked was something to the effect of “can marriage work?” The answer that was given was No. What astounded me even more was the reason that they gave. They have never seen a successful marriage so they didn’t think it was possible. It took me by surprise but then I began to really think about it.

Just because I haven’t seen something shouldn’t mean that it isn’t possible. With the a divorce rate , most people could probably assume the same thing. They don’t know what a successful and happy marriage looks like. Here are 5 ways that we can have happy marriage.

  1. Be Nice. This is may seem like a no brainer, but we have to remember this at all times. Kindness can go a long way. Be as nice to your spouse as you would if you were on a first date.
  2. Learn to enjoy each other’s company. There is nothing wrong with your spouse being your best friend. That doesn’t mean you both like all the same things, but you can learn to enjoy each other’s company. Have fun together.
  3. Be honest. You have to be honest about the things that upset and frustrate you. You’d be surprised how your frustration can go away when you begin to talk about the issues.
  4. Small tokens of love. Do as many small demonstrations of love as you can. They will keep your emotional connection strong and even challenge your creativity. The small tokens of love only make the large displays better.
  5. Say I Love You. Say it as much as you can. In fact over use it. There are two types of I Love You’s that you can say. The first one is that one you yell over your shoulder while you’re heading out the door for work. The other is the one you say when you look into each other’s eyes and mean it with everything that is  in you. Say the second I love You as much as you can.

We can all learn from each other. What have you seen or learned that showed you what a happy marriage can look like?