What Relationships Are About

What does it mean to be in a marriage? To truly know that answer we have to look at the basis of what it means to be in a relationship. The relationship is the base for marriage. So let’s start there. What does it mean to be in a relationship?

We walk this path together

My wife is my best friend. I don’t say that lightly or as just something to say. I have a male best friend but my relationship with my wife trumps even that relationship. There are aspects of our relationship that were formed and developed before we ever said: “I Do.” We developed the relationship and that gave something for the marriage to based on.

So what makes a relationship? Here are five aspects that most of us might not have thought about, but they are crucial to our relationships.  

  • Having Faith and Freedom

For a relationship to succeed, we have to faith in it. Faith that it will endure the good and bad times. You need the freedom to be able to speak from your heart. There is a balance that is needed between faith and freedom to build a strong foundation for your relationship.

  • Give Time and Get Time

Women and men relate to each other differently. Connections are established differently. Women tend to want to connect through understanding or through their feelings. Men tend to connect through an activity, for example watching sports or playing sports. Connecting and relating to your spouse means that there needs to be giving and getting time.

  • Be Patient

Taking time and getting time is not an overnight process. This process requires patience. Being able to accept your spouse with all their greatness and their imperfections takes patience. There is no point in having daily fights over routine habits. We have to give grace and have the patience that will enable our spouses to change.

  • Learn to Share

Most of us have not had significant relationships where we have had to share our feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Things are starting to change, but for most men, this is just how we are. We aren’t told to NOT share our feelings and emotions, but it is hard to do something when we haven’t had a consistent model. Learning to share our feelings, emotions and thoughts bring a deeper level of closeness.

  • Being Strength

In a relationship, there are times where each person will feel low. Being with your spouse can make you strong in these times. Having someone that believes in you, can motivate you, inspire you, will give strength during those low times. This is what relationships and marriages are about. You truly are stronger together than apart.

Discussion Question?

What are relationships about to you?

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Author: Leonard

I am father to LJ (Leonard Joshua), and Sophia. Loving husband to Kalene. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I aim to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him and that honors my family. I believe that every Christian should be bold to live their life and have the love to impact those around them.

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